Saturday, April 30, 2011


lol betcha would give me a tight slap/a punch in the face if you're beside me HAHAH cus I'd slap myself if I were you, I really would if I could. :p


my pc flooded with pictures of my diamonds bestie~the most ann qiqi~and my hometown diamonds bestia drea drea~liam liam~. Hahaha 
pasti untung lah if you likethem~
they looks so damn hot in all of the pics lor seriously. A bit jealous ah. A lil bit only lah. :p
I'm sure they damn bangga now hahahahaha kidding.
btw i'm gonna name this post ''Just for antiporkdrea''. antiporkdrea's my new name for drea drea just so you know. Wanna know why? I'll tell you why.
I had a convo with my diamonds bestie few days ago and it was about pork.
drea drea : (I don't eat pork and I anti pork.I'm 50% halal. Lol. If you didn't know that, well baby, now you know now~)
 So I told my bestie about how much i loves pork and how much i wants drea drea to be a pork lover, like me. & yadayadayada, we now calls her 'antiporkdrea' instead of her name :p
Eh drea drea, i'm sure you're reading this. :p 

Old picture but  i don't care. 

no idea what i was trying to do. but this is the most recent picture of me. T.T
 needa wait for next school holidays so that i could go sallon for my hair care n straighthening my hair will be like longer and be ten times nicer zz I just hate my current hairstyle.
I know, it looks fine but I hate it idk why~~


i don't really believe in astrology, although i am quite fascinated with their accuracy sometimes. but the lame thing about astrology is that they keep repeating the same characteristics over and over again ("stubborn," "patient," "materialistic," and "loyal" being a few of them for us bulls and cows), which is why i was a wee bit delighted to stumble upon this tweet a few days ago, because it is so true of a fact, and yet so new. i don't know about the other taurus, but i didn't realize that i rarely promise anybody anything until after i found this tweet.
to me promises are risky, and if you couldn't fulfill them they technically become lies. i take chances, not risks, simply because i don't believe in the latter. i am awful at lying, and lying makes me feel awful as well. i think promises don't subtract insecurities and doubts. if anything, they double them in the process. promises don't make you responsible, they make you fearful. promises are the naive "forever and ever," while the closest reality sounds more like "for the longest time possible." so what is it about promises that make them so worth it to keep? what is it about promises that keep us breaking and believing in them? is it because as human, we just love to constantly be given hopes and something to have faith in? i guess perhaps some of us are just that kind of people, you know? maybe some of us... we'd still like to believe in forever, even though we know that it's not possible.
dan qiqi's my diamond sis the editor!!hehe...pretty nice rite??wooweee
one of my fren told me both of us looks a like ,lk twins~hehe=)

if barbie was real she would be 7foot2 and 101pounds. Her head would be the same circumference as her waist. Her torso would not fit all her organs. She would die of malnutrition. She is what so many girls look up to.

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. -Dale Carnegie”


good friends are like diamonds ,precious and rare .fake friends are fallen leaves ,found everywhere!



Sunday, April 24, 2011

SISTAR’s Bora fractures her thumb after falling during a performance

this accident isn't funny .. she broke her thumb. she fell because the floor was wet .. poor bora :(

they keep on slipping on that 0:09 soyou slipped, at 0:27 dasom slipped too..and on 0:58 bora's down..something's wrong with that floor..

Though it has not been long since they have debuted, member of girl group SISTAR, Bora, had to go through the embarrassment of falling on stage.
The group performed their comeback song (which is doing fabulous on the charts), “Shady Girl,” at the Let’s Start Sharing Concert on the 28th.  However, the group had to withstand the pouring rain during the performance, eventually leading Bora to fall flat on her face.  From the fall, Bora injured her finger, causing the performance to stop; however, the group bravely performed again after checking her injury.
A representative from SISTAR’s company, Starship Entertainment stated today, “After the performance, Bora suffered serious pain and had to go to the hospital for treatment. The X-ray results showed that she had fractured her thumb. She will need to be treated for three weeks.”
That looks so painful and seriously embarrassing. The mic probably hit her face.
The people who are saying she isn't professional, why don't you mind your own business?
First of all, how can they broadcast this when she clearly fell on her face? The filming HAD to be stopped. Second, if she could go on she probably would have, but since she was in pain she couldn't go on.

what is beautiful???

what is beautiful???  

What makes you feel beautiful? 
If you see someone who you think is beautiful what qualities do you think they possess?

“What makes you feel beautiful?” Kindness. When someone is kind to me it makes me feel beautiful. I also feel most beautiful when I have a high amount of energy and have bathed. I find the days that I don’t feel as beautiful I tend to have less energy, feel drained, and ultimately less beautiful.
“If you see someone who you think is beautiful what qualities do you think they possess?” When it comes to beauty I really am eclectic. I think it had a lot to do with taking photography in high school. You tend to see beauty where others don’t. I also find when you spend time with people who you may have initially not thought as “beautiful” you tend to find beautiful things about them that weren’t immediately noticeable.


“You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning. -Billy Wilder”

Being an Asian girl, growing up with mostly Caucasian kids had its good times and bad.
Now I can just laugh about it all, but inside I can still feel that pain that I had before. But does that drive me to go to far lengths to feel fit in? Of course not; I have matured and I actually love my differences and the way I look. But I can understand why many Asians and other women of ethnic groups choose to alter their looks and go under surgery so they can feel better about themselves.
I understand where a lot of these girls are coming from when they say they want to look better, but I feel that there’s really no need to change their physical appearance. These girls seem to be very weak towards criticism and the media, making them feel like they are not as pretty as another girl. The media does tend to pressure women into thinking that beauty is one or the other, but I think we should all understand that there’s really no specific standard to being beautiful. I think it’s time for women to become stronger and say to themselves, “I am beautiful, even if I don’t look like the woman next to me.”
 I think that all women of different races should be proud of their differences and embrace their beauty. Let’s face it, every one’s different – even celebrities look different, meaning everyone has a different part of them that makes them attractive.
I think women with different facial looks are absolutely gorgeous and they have a special beauty that no other can have. Why not treasure it?

“It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago. -Jim Bishop”


“I think I’ve discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. -Charles Schulz”




Wednesday, April 20, 2011

hey myself :)

I wonder why am i so happy in school. Its totally different from what i think and do at home. There might be two things why am i being happy in school with my friends around ;
1. Its because my friends are awesome, whenever i see them and i am always in a happy mood, like being sarcastic and never stop laughing at what single crap .


2. Its because i fake a smile, a laugh, everything and go through every single bitterness of what i am suffering from .

Okay i might cry a little when i'm alone all the time because i am those type of person that think widely . seriously by that i mean a lot, and i used to put my hopes too high over every single things but now i don't even wanna raise my hopes anymore, whenever i think about it, it makes me sad/cry . I wonder why am i so moody after i last see my friends. 
Every memories are special. :D
Even though most of us, we're separated as in different class..
Our friendship is still strong. :')
Maybe one of you are leaving soon, :'(
Please remember that, i will never forget our past and the memories we had together. :')
We might not be able to be together for long, but..
No matter how far the distance is..
Nothing can break our strong friendship. :')
We shall keep our friendship strong and unbroken. :D

Remember this,
- I care about you guys.
- I think about you guys.
- I miss you guys.
- I never once let you guys out of my mind.
- I never will replace you guys.
- I will never do anything to ruin our friendship.

Whenever I'm down, you guys never fail to support me and give me full of encouragements. :')
You guys gives me hope in myself. :'D
Even my results are the worst , you guys don't judge me. :')
You guys never fail to care. ;')
Never fail to worry. :')
Never fail to leave me all by myself. :')
You guys always let me know that I am someone which is special. :')
You guys, let me know that I can do anything . :')
You guys believe in me. :' )

I LOVE YOU GUYS, you all give me all the love and care I needed. :')

Thank you for everything you guys gave to me. :') *hugs*

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm back a-holes :p

hey! I was busy :( Busy converting oxygen into carbon dioxide. Kidding. I was too busy being fat that I didn't have time to update my blog. Sorry, but I'm back! That's all that matters, right? :)
2nd term exam's start tomorrow ~I'M NOT READY FOR IT OMG.
Spm is seven months away. NAY!

Momma:''So what do you wanna be when you're grown?'' 
Me:''I don't know. I think I'll just duduk di rumah goyang kaki tengok tv lah.''

Just kidding.
I'm not that lifeless lah hao bu hao? :)
& I'll make you proud,mommy :)

Nways. I ain't gonna bore y'all anymore haha. I know I'm boring. But please don't hit the X button!!
☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹


would you still trust someone if you heard from another someone that she’s the one who’s been talking behind your back? This is something I’m feeling right now. I’m unsure if I should or shouldn’t. And if she’s saying something about you it’s unlikely that she just said it out of the blue. Maybe it’s because of my actions that made her feel this way? I don’t know. But somehow something tells me I don’t want to be suspicious of her, after all I know her quite well. Maybe I’m the one being a bad friend, not her. She’s an awesome friend to me, but maybe… maybe I’m not to her.

I have to balance my friends scale somehow. It’s like I’m drifting apart with certain people when I’m with another gang,And that I don’t think I’m being a good friend to my friends, I’m sorry guys):

eh wtf i just realised this post's became a 'complain post' o.o
zomg bear with me pwease.
So damn stressed out all of a sudden I don't know what's up with me.


found smth really cute~kind of paint the kitty????!!!omg~
danice william~pretty my bestie sis??!nono~is my sis who complain tis n tat to me~
but such a pretty photo~yay~

You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.
damn my bestie hang out without me><.......but pretty cute~^^

danice william,Fennling Sim~pretty girls around~


Sunday, April 17, 2011

♡♥i love couple T~~~~!!!♡♥

♡♥i love couple T~~~~!!!♡♥

  found couple t really lovely~love ya^^

i love long slives~kind of korean style=)

Did you?

school started, it's been nothing but stress and warnings from teachers. Trust me, all of my teachers have been telling us to have our own 'AZAM BARU AZAM BARU'.
So sick of hearing the exact same thing over and over again from each and every of my teachers. 
I mean like, I have tuitions every single day /.\ 
you 2011, the stupid, muthapuking form 5 life. 
 Ugh I really can't wait for the last day of SPM lol. 
k la maybe not.

have you ever felt such intense emotional pain to the point that you even wished for nightmares to escape the horrible reality? just curious :)

My self-esteem is shattered

Do you have any idea how much it hurts me when someone says 'wow. you look so different in pictures!' to me? 
No, you don't.

So I really don't look like myself in pictures huh? 
I wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Well I suppose it's a bad thing cus just hearing it makes my heart ache so bad.
I literally cried (okay lah i x cried. i just shedded a tear lol) when my friend said 'you don't look like yourself in pictures wey hahahaha'
You're saying something nasty about me and you fricken laugh about it.

Lemme tell you what exactly happened.

So I was having fun in the cls blardy blardy blar. My sista came , and her boyfriend came as well. 
Then blardy blardy blar, my fun ended. As I was hearing wat they say, my sister & her boyfriend talked about my blog out of a sudden. I was like what the fuck man. I was sorta moody that time and apparently I still am okay. So anyways. She talked about my blog yadayadayada and... ugh zz, just read this.

sista:''Eh don't play play. Her blog's kinda famous one leh!''
sista's boyfriend:''Really ah? What's she write on her blog oh?''
sista:''Everything lor. I long time x read her blog dy lah i dont know lah..''
*I was staring at them with the dulan face while they're talking about me and my fucken blog.
& then blablabla, my sista said: ''Oh and she doesn't look like herself in pictures! Damn different one leh! Hahahahha''

You can guess how I reacted to that.

ps:**i know my blog's not famous. Damn I needa make things clear so that random people won't come and attack me and say ''YOURE NOT FAMOUS YOU B*TCH!'' :( 


Thanks to you guys. My self-esteem is completely shattered and, 
I  hate my face now. no kidding.

But seriously. Just one question from me.
honestly do I really look bad? :(

When we think we know people, inside out, we think we know what's best for them. We should try to remember we don't even know what's best for ourselves.

True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side.

look so different in pictures?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

people who are happy attract friends♥

love this ulzzang unnie=)

Hey everyone. I can FINALLY update ='). I thought I was begining to get withdrawal symptoms. Anyway yes, let's do an update.!
i just realise that last time,'s mean mayb few years ago,i'm still too young to comprehend the complexities of life,but now,after i had realise i do understand most of this,i realize i had grown up!
so here is what i believe!i think a lot of it has to do with how a person looks at things.i call it 'keeping your eyes wide open'...
first,realise that life is filled with surprises,some not so pleasant and others quite shocking but many are good ones.if you dont keep watching for them,you'll miss half the excitement.expect to be thrilled once in a while,and you will attact what you think of.
when you meet up with challenges,welcome not bolt!they'll leave you wiser,stronger,and more capable than you were the day'll be glad you dare to take the bull by its horns.
when you make a mistake,be grateful for the things it taught you.failure should not stop you from pursuing your dreams,no one is perfect.resolve to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.
and always follow the rules---even the little ones.when you follow the rules,life works.if you think you ever really get by with breaking the rules,you're only fooling yourself.remember crime does not pay and our past has a sneaky way of creeping up to us.
it's also important to decide exactly what you want.then,keep your mind focused on it,and be prepared to receive it.being focused on a goal spurs ur towards the right direction by channeling our energy on what is acually important so that we are not too overwhelmed by obstacles.
but be ready to end up in some new places too.change is part of growing you grow with the years,you'll be given bigger shoes to be ready for endings as well as challenging wil not be so can also be fun too.

people who are happy attract friends

Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

how blessed and lucky we all are♥

If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t follow. I’d be at the bottom to catch them when they fall.

hey guys!I’m going to pop to bed soon. Just letting you guys know I am still alive =D! Just been chilling and relaxing because you guys know I spend so much time to think tis and that~~><
as you guys noe,i was acually been mess up and stressful,mentally on some problem abt my families and my 'a part' is jz like everyone having their mistake and change a lot to me...
so,i was always need friends or my mummy to talk,even this is a wrong way of thinking ,but still because of i have been trust no one in my hse~accept my mummy...
so,my aunt which love me a lot ,she came bk from kl to pray on last friday...
I was talking to to her just now and she inspires me so much. She was telling me how blessed and lucky we all are. We should never be too greedy. Sometimes I talk to her and I tell her things are going too quick for me and she calms me right down. She tells me to prioritize things and stay on ground. So many times we take our lives for granted and focus on things we don’t have rather than have.
She was telling me how lucky we all are. We get to sleep on a comfy & warm bed. We get to browse a computer & surf the entire web. We have toilets. We have heating. We have a roof over our head. We are warm. We get fed. Sometimes we even complain about being too full.
There are children in the world, THOUSANDS of them who have never experienced the feeling of being ‘full’. Many pray for their next meals because they don’t know when it will be. Many risk their lives drinking contaminated water. They don’t have education. They don’t have proper healthcare. You are so lucky! You are one of the most wealthy people in the World already.
i really do felt better after a talk with her~!
Have you ever looked in the mirror and was unhappy with your reflection? Of course! Who hasn’t? You know who’s responsible? The media.
The media are people who make sure you will NEVER be fully content whether its how you look or what you have. They will make you want to COVET. They make you want to envy others. So what happens? You spend months trying to save up for this new handbag. You’ve got it! But 2 months later? They release a NEW bag! Limited edition this time! You wish you waited for the new limited version bag then. It works the same way- technology, fashion, your body, face, everything.
There is of course nothing wrong with being able to achieve all of above but sometimes maybe we get caught up with what we don’t have too much that it becomes unhealthy for ourselves. We’re very blessed guys. Tell yourself this and believe it ^_^ Thank you again to my lovely aunt  for inspiring me and always giving me lifetime lessons.


友谊 可以大过天。 死党 不是说说而已。


“Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with them.”


Monday, April 4, 2011

What makes me Beautiful

In the World of Art, there is no such thing as a set standard. As long as you feel the art work is of value to you, it is one of a kind...Just like Love, the flaws would be what makes this person beautiful. It would be what makes this person the masterpeice of your heart.
Art is subjective. Very much like Love. Not everybody can appreciate the piece in front of them. Only when u understand the story behind the piece u can understand how beautiful this piece really is.
Never underestimate yourself. Have faith and Hope in yourself and others. Just like Mud, it may look useless and dirty to some. But to others, its valuable. Once its scooped off the ground, it will become Clay and has every opportunity to turn into a piece of beautiful art work.
i heard too many messages from girls that ...they are not pretty enough!
strugling to things and dont have self confidence~
when i heard you guys doing this and said this to me,i honestly jz dont say it,and break my heart...
as for me,what i angry to myself was my height and hmm...i wish that things can be hard and use to be..
these day was jz impossible that mostly we dont love ourself...i wish you guys that,i may not the people that can talk to you guys but but here,each single word,is from my heart!you knows,sometimes you get so many people keeps teasing you~'you're too fat','you're too ugly','you're kind of useless'....and so on...
let me tel you guys,acually i dont think that i'm a lucky one,or a easy one,this was things lk i felt so upset,but it's too bad to think lk that....but,even thought,i'm still confidence and felt that i'm beautiful me...
tell you that,as i growing up,i have so many insecurities,who desn't felt insecurity  on some points of their life!
you know,i'm just hundred and fiftyfive =155 cm tall~and even in high heels i'm still does not work on~
and i have been having muscular legs because i used to dance...
i have a really bad skin n face,pimples and big pores..well,since i grown n learn,my skin turns much better but i still have to take times to take good care of them...and i'm having chaubey chicks,look at myself,i could jz point out a lot of bad things about my self!open a magazines or watch tv,those amazing models and celebrities,and artists,i questions myself that why cant i look like them??i've just being silly and compared myself !but!what the things is,media can really distorts our view on beauty!by comparing yourself to others is one of the worst things because beauty cannot be masured!we cannot paste beauty on a skills!you can just ask yourself that 'i'm not pretty enough!so what is pretty????'
i think everybody could looks pretty!and things like dresses,nice hair,nice make up,.....pretty is something that you can see...
compare to pretty,beauty is different,beauty can only be seen with the heart!not on the base...
there is a code,and is the most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen....
and could only be felt in the heart,and another code is the difference between 'pretty' and 'beauty' ispretty is temporal,is somethings that can change after times....but beauty is eternal,so andrea from andreaschoice,means a really great point, are who you are!and she says that you will never be 'that' person...even how you tried,you would never be that person !you will never be the model in the tv,never be the girl in the magazines cover,you will always be you!maybe you may try to get her hairstyle,dress like the way that person does!but you would always be you!somethings that if you just trying to be someone else,you just waste the person that you surpose to be!people woth low esteern,they would just see the worse in themselves and very often in other people as well ....maybe by this way,you can let yourself feel better,but in reality,this is just pushing yourself deeper insides,so deep and dark that this person can acually become lost in dont be too hard in yourself,dont bother if someone saying that you're ugly,because that person are doing a very ugly thing themself,being an ugly soul,they have an ugly perfis,and that perfis is hurt you to make themself feel better!
so for myself,i have my own confidence!i may learn for make up,learn for dress up pretty,learn about my hair,..but no make up,no dress up on beautiful dresses,no beautiful hairstyle doesn't make me any less beautiful...things that makes me beautiful is my personality,my morals,my values,and that is the things that nobody can acually takes away from me!
why do we care so much??about what people think!people who shouldn't mean any things to you!
what do you believe them???
what i want to tell you guys is...all the negativity that i have is the main things that makes me the way i am now!
i realise that i'm not bigger than that,and i'm stop to being perfect!because nobody can be perfect!
like all celebrities in tv,models,non of those are perfect!
i'm gonna spend the rest of my life with me!i'm going to love me!so i'm going to look after me!
that is life for yourself,and dont leave it for the one that trying to put you down because in another day,you are going to be in miserable life,we are trying to being happy,being kind,being helpful,doing what you love most!!
when you're happy,this is the most beautiful moment!

always remember that beauty and ugliness cannot be concealed ...nothing can ever concealed!no makeup no clothes,nothing can considered wether you're beautiful or ugly...we have ability to be both!which would you rather be??
life is a part of short to focus on your fizikal fetures,!i can tell you that i wish that i'm taller,but as i said,we have to be confidence all the times!my boyfriend was not that tall too,so i jz feel happy that i'm in this height!just like 'perfect two'!
this is what i mean about we cant mesure beauty ,it may not be something about yourself but it can be a feature that someone really love above you!you will just be so surprise that what ,your family,your friends,your lover,everyone will love above you,...
hmm...let me tell you wat attractive to me,sense of humour,kindness,and my self confidence!!
for me,this is what attractice!!^^
so,therefore,if you want to have beautiful eyes,try to see the best in people!try to see the best in everything!!
if you want to have beautiful lips,try to only speak good words,and encouraging words...try to speak words of kindness of people~
if you want to have beautiful ears,then try to listen to what should matter mostly!
dont clearly mind of being pretty or beautiful!and another thing is there are people who put other people down !remember,instead of putting others down,why not flatter yourself!
hah~i felt so much better to tells and share all this~stay beautiful everyone,time for me to bounce off to bed now..stay well guys!^^

I’m done trying. if you want me in your life you’re gonna have to find a way to put me there. If you don’t, that’s me walking away.

Letting go isn’t about giving up. It’s about accepting the fact that there are things that just can’t be.

They say when one door closes another opens.You just got to know when to close the door and when to take a chance to open the new door.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hi lovelies^^♥

One day, love and friendship met. Love asked, why do you exist when I already exist? Friendship smiled and said,to put a smile where you leave tears.

School was rather boring today....Both of the girls cleverly abandone me during few days later which is a pain in the ass~~sister lam going for her bolar tampar stuff for abt 3 days,miss nura going for camp~oh ya,jz gonna rmb to bring her handsfree that she gonna borrow from me...!
peei ching was sick, I hope she gets better and come to school tomorrow~ School without her is so quiet.
Anyway, bm teacher is so annoying.She always wants us to find stuffs for our oral test and present it whatsoever. Its so friggin' irritating! She thinks everyone has their 'memory bread' from doraemon,that we can rmb everthing after we eat that bread which we spam answer or it!!the synopsis to present are jz damn long~
Next, English teacher is as annoying as bm teacher too. Everytime she came in to our class, the first thing she would do is complaint about EVERYTHING and say is "why are so many ppl not in the class?" Okay, that is fine.BUT, she jz like forgot to take her medicine or something, she came in the class, started nagging and nagging, asked us to write the answer on the board,thn she jz read the question to us that we also have one copy in our hand!is this a job of a teacher????!!! complaint about our class, our result,our news paper cutting,our grammer 1,our composition 3,our homework~, and everything that has nothing to do with her, etc etc.....
THEN, she was so mad that she wont teach any,jz give us an essay and let us to write another without teach any skills or even a words~. Dot dot dot... The whole class were like what the hell... this isnt OUR fault.!
Urgh, if you dont want to teach then dont teach lah, why have to like this. she always complains a lil too much. Not that i pick on her or what, the whole class felt the same. Well, not the whole class but most of them. Right, forget about it, it just make people more frustrated.The afternoon session students always mess up the class and EVERY SINGLE MORNING, abt 2nd period~i would started to felt hungry~n keep on think about hut....kfc....n so on~. Seriously i feel like punching one of my best body brother chee boon kiat~ in his bloody face 'cause he jz keep on paste those mcd,pizza hut,n kfc's picture and the latest menu on the board infront of my table,this is so annoying.!

They said our school is having some sukan stuffs again. Should I go to school or not? I've been skipping most of the cocu activities already..hmm.
Moodswing is killing me.I could blow off easily these days. So yeah, bear with me. I need understandings.

The minute you are willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy …That’s love right there.
Dance like no ones watching, sing like no ones listening, and dream like no ones holding you back.

Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness and appreciating the memories we made along the way.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it almost everyday.♥

Once upon a time, something happened to me, it was the sweetest thing, that could ever be, a fantasy, a dream come true, it was the day that I met you.

You know you’re in love when you’re having the worst day, and just talking to him makes everything better.

Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone’s bad qualities because they somehow complete you.

all the right move!♥

First of all,
Happy April Fool's Day. Did you guys had fun pranking each other? :P I actually pranked someone few times a day :P
And, I felt so bad neglecting my beloved blog like that! Only 2 post during the month of March! So sad.
It didn't make any difference. I'm selfish n misunderstanding. I didn't know why did I think this way. Shouldn't I be happy for us? As in for us. Sigh. This feeling isn't good. Look, it's just like old times, I just couldn't get both side right at the same time. I'm jealous of everything. Particular everything. Don't ask me why cause me myself don't even have a clue with it. I guess this might be the start of something new again, maybe not new, cause I'm already used to it.
Bet you don't understand a shit of what I'm writing, cause that's what I want....

It's been ages since I loose my temper so violently. I don't have any idea though why did I loose my temper in a sudden. Or maybe I do..
but all these prob are just mess me up!it's so heavy on my both shoulder!
Why do I always get the blame? Urgh. Yes yes, everything my fault. Even when the end of the world approach us, it's also my fault. Very nice. Can't you make some sense out of yourself? and stop begging me to ask from my bestie whether i did wrong or..!

seriously , this year has been the greatest high school year YET.

i really want to thank God for placing the most awesome people in my life! :D you know who you are, you're AWESOME.  (: 

here, scroll down these photos.

if you're in it, i truly appreciate you as my friend and thanks for being a friend to me
